Helmholtz Association Postdoc Network
The Helmholtz Association Postdoc Network was founded to unite postdoctoral researchers across all Helmholtz Centers, enabling them to address key challenges in today’s evolving scientific landscape, foster collaboration, and advance postdoc career development. HAPN is an inclusive network built to empower postdocs, support their contributions to the Helmholtz Association’s strategic goals, and promote a transparent, positive work culture.
Contact them at hapn_contact@listserv.dfn.de and check out their website!

Postdoctoral researchers forming the HAPN Steering Committee for 2024-2025. November 6th 2024, Max Delbrück Center (MDC) – Berlin, Germany From left to right: Back row – Vojtech Kulvait (Hereon), Nico Madysa (GSI), Max Kellermeier (DESY-Hamburg), Aparna Chandrasekar (UFZ), Filippos Charitidis (MDC), Iyiola Emmanuel Olatunji (CISPA), Jonas Schulte-Schrepping (DZNE), Anna Vetter (HZI), Javier Garcia Lopez (HMGU-Munich), Alexandra Runge (GFZ), Vanessa Skiba (AWI), Krisztina Konya (FZJ), Oriol Sans Planell (HZB) Middle row – Erich Hirschmann (HZDR), Paul Einhäupl (RIFS), Franz Kanngießer (GEOMAR), Aditya Shekhar (HZI), Stefan Paulusch (DZNE) Front row – Michelle Tsirou (DESY-Zeuthen), Andrea Clavijo (Hereon), Kubilay Dogan Kilic (HMGU Munich), Rhys Jacob (FZJ), Diana Avadanii (KIT), Maddalena Zoli (HZB), Katharina Pank (GEOMAR), Aga Seretny (DKFZ), Fiona Brown-Burke (DKFZ), Mariantonia Costanza (MDC), Ruta Binkyte (CISPA), Yamini Yogya (UFZ) Not depicted – Bennet Juhls (AWI), Ali Pourzangbar (KIT)
After the kick-off of the network in November 2024, HAPN’s 33 steering committee members carry on their drive and efforts, aiming at a prosperous 2025. Some of their thoughts:
It’s been a great privilege connecting with like-minded peers across Helmholtz centers, and building together a network for all other postdocs to join!
I’m looking forward making connections both within Helmholtz and across the German academic system. HAPN will be an excellent opportunity for postdocs from all disciplines and walks of life to be heard with a unified voice.
Being part of a community for Helmholtz postdocs to share our ideas, concerns, and potential solutions as well as providing networking is a great opportunity for us to strengthen research in Germany.
Collaborating with go-getters to set the foundation for a functioning sustainable network of scientists is a propitious start to foster systemic change for all peers.