Career Perspectives: Beyond the Postdoc
Rethinking Success: How Postdocs Can Thrive in Industry
Are you wondering what comes next after your postdoc? Our lunch talk series, Career Perspectives: Beyond the Postdoc, offers insights into diverse career opportunities beyond postdoctoral research.
In our next session, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Anh Vu Doan, Senior Project Leader at Infineon Technologies, Germany’s largest semiconductor company. Born in Belgium with Vietnamese roots, he obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Université libre de Bruxelles before embarking on a postdoc journey in Japan (Keio University) and Germany (Technical University of Munich and Fraunhofer IKS). After 8 years of postdoctoral experiences, he is now settling in the industry since 2023.
In this lunch talk, we will discuss about how disappointments in academia can transform into opportunities outside of academia. We will explore how the skills developed during a postdoctoral experience can be valuable assets to tackle challenges in industry where innovative and creative mindsets are as relevant to be successful. Academia is not the only location where postdocs can shine, and industry can be an environment offering exciting activities similar to academic research!
Join us for an engaging discussion on what it means to transition from academia to industry and learn about the skills and competencies that contributed to Anh Vu's career development!

About Anh Vu Doan
Anh Vu Doan received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium, in 2009 and obtained his PhD degree in Engineering Sciences and Technology from the ULB in 2015. While developing his doctoral research, he also worked as a teaching assistant from 2011 to 2016 at the ULB and as a stand-in lecturer in 2015 at the IÉSEG School of Management, France. In 2016, he joined the Amano laboratory at the Keio University, Japan, as a postdoctoral fellow under an Erasmus-Mundus grant (EASED program) and extended his stay under a JST/CREST program. In 2018, he occupied a second post-doc position at the Chair of Integrated Systems of the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and is giving a lecture there since then. In 2021, he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems (IKS) in Munich as a Senior Scientist. Since 2023, he is working as a Senior Project Leader (System Flow and Methodology) at Infineon Technologies in Neubiberg.